Pending [JB] Remove Spy vs Spy (again) (1 Viewer)

Remove Spy vs Spy (again)?

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Nergal Nergalton

Gameserver Admin
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Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
When this map was set to be re-added, I was optimistic this map would be improved enough for me to fully enjoy, but alas, it wasn't enough. This map may have to go down in Panda history as the one map that got added, removed, re-added, and re-removed, if this poll passes.

Here are my complaints of this map:
- Spy vs. Spy was a map originally ported from CS:GO and it shows why most CS:GO JB maps aren't designed with TF2 in mind, as the map is too small and crampy in many areas even with the special size reduction.
- Breakfloor doesn't regenerate its platforms when stopped, meaning if the squares closest to the main floor have been broken, REDs will be trapped there with jumping into the water and killing themselves as the only option.
- Dodgeball, while the balls flying out of the dodgeball area is thankfully fixed, they now no longer regenerate after hitting them.
- The Obby on this map is just pathetic, it's literally one narrow line with the occasional jump and strafe.
- This is a map we almost always RTV off of before 45 minutes. Of the 3 past maps that have been re-added (Underjail, Crossroads, and this one), this is the least liked of the three.

I applaud Semi for doing everything he could to make this map playable for TF2 but I just don't think this map was designed for TF2 Jailbreak.
Yeah, it's a cs port and it tells. There's no real way to port a cs map without completely overhauling it and remastering it with tf jb in mind. The map is just lackluster. It's too small and very cramped. I'm fine with doing away with it.
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my vote is yes, remove it.

my opinion, it's too small, choke-y and just isn't fun to play on.

i like the idea of sweeper and jump rope gradually speeding up, but it goes in unpredictable amounts and it happens at unpredictable times.
now ive played those minigames a grand total of 2 times but still, my point stands

its aesthetic is a bit bland. my eyes need COLOR damnit. this map is just pure black and white, which does make it easier to spot anything out of the ordinary but still.

and yeah what Nergal said, ported maps tend to have issues. (which is pretty logical..)
This map may have to go down in Panda history as the one map that got added, removed, re-added, and re-removed, if this poll passes.
For what it’s worth two different versions of wip have been removed from rotation for sucking

But as for the map, there’s like nothing fun to be had on it in all honesty. I’m sure it’s loads of fun on CSGO but not TF2.
this map is fundamentally cramped and doesnt suit tf2 jailbreak whatsoever.
bandicam 2024-05-12 23-46-14-500.jpg

Poll ended a week ago with twice as many yes votes vs. no votes.

Map will be removed in the next update to the map pool.
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