New Head Admin (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Oct 4, 2012
Ohai Pandas,

since i guess all of you noticed some people resigned today from panda due to either issues with me or the community itself.
anways, the topic "Head Admin" has been hot discussed in the dark admin areas here in the forums and i thought that its possible to wait till i finished with the fixing of the open server stuff, apparently this needs to be resolved quicker and there we go.

i was talking with @Ron earlier about him maybe stepping up since as many of you know he is around since i dont know when we had maybe 10 tf2 servers or so, anyways he helped me earlier at different kind of problems such as fixing some stuff at the servers or also some edits in the forums or even making us an own status/server viewer page.
i really appreciate it to see that there are still people here from the day on when the first lights were turned on, not to forget the new ones which are also doing an incredible job, i love you all <3 :pandastunned:

so our new Head Admin will be @Ron

i wish you the best luck on experiencing/learning an new important part here in the community :)

Nice Ron, glad to see you are doing this.

I remember when Evo wanted me to be head admin, good times. Good times.
Nice Ron, glad to see you are doing this.

I remember when Evo wanted me to be head admin, good times. Good times.
we will see what the time will bring, plan is to offer players a much better and friendlier home than several weeks before :)
Good luck! I'm sure it'll work just fine.
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Gz Ron! :pandastunned:
You better not kill of the dramadetector by improving this too much @Ron ;)
I don't know him yet either but I am looking forward to the new exciting things that he brings our way
I would have gone with one of the known admins like Madact or Wolf but as i like to say: Out with the old, in with the new.
Will be interresting!
I would have gone with one of the known admins like Madact or Wolf but as i like to say: Out with the old, in with the new.
Will be interresting!
Honestly even if it went to Madact or Wolf it would have been a better community either way
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View attachment 3565
I'm the worst person when it comes to conflict/admin issues :p With great power comes huge responsibility!
I know what you mean, i was admin on many communities. It consisted of me making Players happy and having fun but when it came to admins situations....i just could not be serious! xD
I would have gone with one of the known admins like Madact or Wolf but as i like to say: Out with the old, in with the new.
Will be interresting!
Ron is easily the most capable admin here and the only real contenders for this position were/are @Ron, @Hawwis and @Stabbin. Anyone who mentions any other name has no clue how fucking good these people are at what they do.

"But Inu, why are you dissing Madact and Wolf?" Because it's like comparing Eminem to Run The Jewels, no matter how much time you give Eminem to prepare, RTJ would kill him in any discipline. I am sure Madact and Wolf are capable admins but if I they had been picked over Ron, Stabbin or Hawwis, I would seriously have blown this entire community up lol.

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