War3Source (4 Viewers)

"it would mean that the second one needs months to get discovered."
Not necessarily, Keiii-sama. As soon as the old players see that the max amount of people has been reduced to 20, they'll wanna know what's going on and will find out it's been split into two. And it's really easy to just make a colored message appear on the top of the screen or in the chat every 5 minutes or so, saying something like: "The old Panda #2 server has been split into two smaller ones to reduce lag. Please join *IP*"
And there's always the command "!servers" ,which you can type in chat to join one of Panda's other servers.
Plus, I'll be shure to mention it to players in the rest of your servers from time to time :p
Also, I'll be one of the people who play on that new server, so I'll bring my friends over :p
I'm telling you, with a popular server like yours, the new one will be filled quite fast.
And if more servers don't increase the ping, then that's even better news!

"In with 2500 shocks me lol"
What do you mean? What does the "in" even show? And why is 2500 a lot?
And please explain the "out", too.
Does it have anything to do with packets and if yes, then what?
Splitting server? no no...

The in/out show the size in bytes of the last incoming and outgoing packet.

Try experimenting with lower rates.
You removed a bunch of races, including naix, my fave D:
I think the teleporting was a bit op when u could spawn-kill with it, but i loved the leeching properties and you could teleport around a group killing them all quickly. It meant I didn't have to buy mask of death unless dealing with spies :c
Please bring it back and put a thing that kills the enemy teams in each spawn!
I know other classes have leeching but it was pretty much all leeching and that helps me survive... If I use it right.

So, again; Please bring it back :D
thats a nice idea...

since panda2 will be out soon anyways i could make an instant death trigger if someone enters the enemy base...

but it will take a week more... after that.. naix will be available again.. thx
naix will be enabled again on duel

but ofc just untill war3source will be exchanged with a working levelmod again
Master Keiii' said:
thats a nice idea...

since panda2 will be out soon anyways i could make an instant death trigger if someone enters the enemy base...

but it will take a week more... after that.. naix will be available again.. thx
Instant dead trigger wouldn't be so good (imaginating airblasting pyro behind me pushing me into instant dead :| ).
dayofmone' said:
Instant dead trigger wouldn't be so good (imaginating airblasting pyro behind me pushing me into instant dead ).
Instant death is in enemy spawn only... So if you noclip there, you get killed instantly, why wouldn't that be so good, you can't enter enemy spawn anyway...?
Cuz every pyro will just camp up in base and blast you into the trigger to get fast exp and gold.
instant death trigger if someone enters the enemy base...
Not in spawn Max, in base. So: you+enem base=getting ass blastet in trigger ==> ded ( :evil: FUUU RAGE :S :( X( :cursing: :thumbdown: "cry, buhuuu, sniff" RAGEQUIT) :rolleyes:
You don't fully understand what i wrote. But, you'll see tomorrow...
i made a mistake in my post... it wont be in the whole base.. just in the spawn as max said.. and the map is already online :pPP
lol, dat overreact :D

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