Completed [JB] Remove jb_wip_remake 2.0(?) (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2020
Basically a suggestion to remove the map jb_wip_remake, while its a remake of the original as far as anyone is concerned its only a new coat of paint, its horribly designed, very ugly and quite tight leading to only failrounds after failrounds.

And thats if the players stay on it, it usually doesn't even stay for one round before everyone RTVs to the next map, there isnt really a funny or unique gimmick to the map, its just plain bad.

tldr why it should be removed

- janky minigames
- nothing unique
- extremely ugly
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I would like to elaborate further on these.

- janky minigames

The map also appears to have some stolen minigames (as in stolen game logic and brushwork not to be confused with reusing games), for example the deathcrate appears to be a retextured version of the one from jb_colors. While this doesn't effect the map's gameplay it still is a crappy thing to steal from other maps. The creator has had a history of stealing games from other maps so I imagine others were probably also stolen.


- extremely ugly

The map uses mostly half-life textures mixed with tf2 props instead of the dev textures found in the original, this unironically makes the original look better as it has a more consistent art direction. Not to mention but many props in the skybox are overscaled which again doesn't impact the gameplay too much but still annoys me.




The biggest sin of the remake is that it doesn't properly fix the original's biggest issue which was its gigantic size. The route this "remake" took was to simply fill out the unsused space with minigames which sounds like a good idea until you take into account lazy wardens, most wardens will not take reds all the way to the outskirts of the map to play box game, leaving the area beyond the prison fence as useless and as easy to delay in as before. The only way in which this map is definetely superior to the original is in sheer minigame count and optimization, neither of which were huge dealbreakers for the original wip.
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we vote that map to insta rtv, literally a map to get a faster recently played to be available
While I think this map used to look impressive, TBH the recent maps like the remade alkatraz, mayanjungle, and miami do make it now look very ugly in comparison.
jb_wip_remake_a5 has been removed.
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