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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2016
Server suggestion: 24/7 Halo Bloodgulch Deathmatch
Gamemode: Deathmatch(dm)
Map: Halo Bloodgulch v3 (This maps file name is dm_halo_bloodgulch_v3.bsp . Version 3 is not available online for download as I asked the creator to custom make v3 for me, and he did not reupload it anywhere. I will attach it for anyone to use.)

The concept is simple. In deathmatch (technically TDM) both teams just kill each other. There is no time limit, no rounds, no map change. Ever. It allows for players to just focus on getting kills rather than any objectives. It is a lot of fun and popular.

I don't want anyone to worry that it will be another server that sits around with zero players on it. So I have provided evidence that the server idea is popular amongst TF2 players. This server has been running for 5 years straight:


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Only NY? Cant we Eu's have fun too? :(
Well I figured if Kevin/Panda liked the idea, it would probably start out as just one server to test it out. But that's not my call. If it gets approved and there's both a US and an EU version, even better.
(If there's not)How about a NY zombie fortress I've been trying to get on the current one takes too long to download.
If you would like to make your own suggestion then create a new thread. Forum hijacking is not cool.
server is up and running.

EU: #33 | Bloodgulch
US: NY | Bloodgulch


if you have any suggestions please write me a PM on the forums.
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