Declined Report against Jalapeño (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Jul 10, 2023

Who are you reporting? Jalapeño

What server game mode is the report concerned with? #18 | Mario Kart

What is the accused persons's SteamID? 76561198113373333

What is the reason of the report? AFK

Files you have as proof File(s) attached

Any other proof you have At first, he stands for 1-2 minutes, then runs to a random place and stands there again for 1-2 minutes, and this action repeats.


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Being AFK isn't against the rules on Mario Kart and not report worthy.
It's usually also not that big of an issue unless the server happens to be full and the slot is being wasted.
I've kicked him to help with team balance.
If there's an issue with one or more people being afk for extended amounts of times and it's considerably harming team balance or the server is full you can use /call on the server and we'll hopefully be able to handle it immediately.
Please don't create any more forum reports on afk players in the future though.

Declined I suppose
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