Completed [VSH/FF2] Map suggestion - vsh_prison (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2020
I'd like to suggest a map that I've been working on for some time and finished today. It's a pretty small prison-themed map with a fairly simple design. It's a first original map I've made so it's obviously not perfect, any feedback is appreciated.

Huge thanks to some of the FF2 regulars from the FF2 Lounge discord server for being able to playtest the map!

Aside from the weird sentry placement on the shelf and on the box to my right and the camping that wil be happening mostly in that tiny room its spaceous enough to move around for most bosses


also from the pipe you can land on i feel like the health/ammo pack are a bit to close to each other

This is just feedback so dont eat me for it maps looks good otherwise 🍺
I'd like to suggest a map that I've been working on for some time and finished today. It's a pretty small prison-themed map with a fairly simple design. It's a first original map I've made so it's obviously not perfect, any feedback is appreciated.

Huge thanks to some of the FF2 regulars from the FF2 Lounge discord server for being able to playtest the map!

View attachment 26933


Map looks decent, visual and layout side.
My only problem is the roof section.

As i can see with noclip, there is only one way up there (through the guard tower with ladder), and for hale, that can't high jump, it would be nightmare to get through.

That tower is perfect place to camp, imagine getting blocked inside tower with knockback damage coming from bottom and top while you try to get up. And even when you get through, lvl 3 sentry will be waiting on top of middle building.

Also i’m not a fan of using a ladder in that tower, movement on them is always wonky, esspecialy in source engine. I think there is a reason, thats most maps dont use them at all, or use jumppads instead, when they cant use slopes and staircases.

My proposition is to add different routes to the roof, one on other side, and one from inside the building.

Something like:
-Second tower on other side with connection between tower and roof.

tower on other side.jpg

-Removing or place building in different spot on roof, replace it with boxes or air conditioning units, with various placement (or any other prop tbh), to give hale some more cover when he is on roof, and when he tries to jump there from ground level.
different roof.jpg

-Add staircase from middle building to the roof, to make another rotation route

-Mabye change first tower, from ladder to ramp around, like high tower, and place it further from building without connection to roof. Like to make jump to get to roof.

first tower.jpg

This is still my suggestion to fix, what I think is problem (VSH perspective), i'm not a mapper so my opinion doesn't matter in the end.
I will still vote yes in current state, because some problems will show only with normal gameplay, and for that we need to add it first.
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Map looks decent, visual and layout side.
My only problem is the roof section.

As i can see with noclip, there is only one way up there (through the guard tower with ladder), and for hale, that can't high jump, it would be nightmare to get through.

That tower is perfect place to camp, imagine getting blocked inside tower with knockback damage coming from bottom and top while you try to get up. And even when you get through, lvl 3 sentry will be waiting on top of middle building.

Also i’m not a fan of using a ladder in that tower, movement on them is always wonky, esspecialy in source engine. I think there is a reason, thats most maps dont use them at all, or use jumppads instead, when they cant use slopes and staircases.

My proposition is to add different routes to the roof, one on other side, and one from inside the building.

Something like:
-Second tower on other side with connection between tower and roof.

View attachment 26965

-Removing or place building in different spot on roof, replace it with boxes or air conditioning units, with various placement (or any other prop tbh), to give hale some more cover when he is on roof, and when he tries to jump there from ground level.
View attachment 26966

-Add staircase from middle building to the roof, to make another rotation route
View attachment 26967

-Mabye change first tower, from ladder to ramp around, like high tower, and place it further from building without connection to roof. Like to make jump to get to roof.

View attachment 26969View attachment 26968

This is still my suggestion to fix, what I think is problem (VSH perspective), i'm not a mapper so my opinion doesn't matter in the end.
I will still vote yes in current state, because some problems will show only with normal gameplay, and for that we need to add it first.
Thanks for the feedback. I will definitely add another route to the roof somewhere and more cover on the roof, as for other suggestions I will consider them.
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Update v2a changelog:
  • Added an alternate route to the roof
  • Opened up a new section of the roof
  • Added stairs from the roof to the guard tower
  • Added func_nobuild on the cabinets in the underground
  • Added func_nobuild in the guard tower around the "hole"
  • Added fog to make the map a bit prettier
  • Perfomance improvements

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I have to say this is one great suggestion and great feedback towards kruphixx to help out any improvements needed. Good job guys :nekoheart:

Task #274 FF2 / VSH - Add/ Remove / Update maps
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