Completed [VSH / FF2] Update vsh_urban_works (1 Viewer)

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Cream Tea

Dec 16, 2019
I have finally released the long awaited next version of urban works which features many improvements, most importantly the sewers are now disabled by default and the button is permanently locked (it can be overridden with stripper for servers that wish to enable it). Two other changes worth noting are the fact that the "hale only" lift can now be used by both teams and one of the buildings has been lowered to make it easier to jump on from the roof of what is now named "Chef Pyro's" in the new version.

Link: vsh_urban_works_unlimited
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Reactions: Kruphixx
can you share screenshots of it?
At least a screenshot of the old BEFORE and one for the new AFTER, for comparison of how different exactly.

Screenshots of the Buildings if you want it specific.
Half of the changes aren't visible ones. The biggest visible change you will notice is that the hotel is now derelict, according to the urban works lore, it went bankrupt (I was never happy with the way it looked and it was a shoehorned idea which somebody else begged me to put in). I have added proper cash register models instead of the old brush-based placeholders and retextured the counters in McHeavy's & Rocket Noodle also lowering them slightly. The "Chef Boyardee's" sign now says "Chef Pyro's "because I didn't think enough people got the reference. The changes you won't see in a screenshot of course involve the sewer button being locked, the flatbed is a little faster but slows down in one section, both lifts can be used by either team now, all the wall lights are now non-solid, I have taken the playerclip brushes back at the end by the dumpster and on the roof to make it easier. It wasn't very intuitive before and people kept knocking into them. The now formerly "hale only" lift has been revamped with better textures and proper lift doors on the top floor.
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Reactions: Aerial
Although there are major changes, I see no objections and you are the original creator of the map

Task #274 FF2 / VSH - Add/ Remove / Update maps
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